Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Blog 1. Everybody loves social media - right?

Well… maybe…

With so many channels and so many tools but no real rules around the do’s or don’ts – we are still learning how to harness social media and digital marketing to work in our favour but there are bumps in the road and lessons to be learnt from other’s online mistakes.

Social media has given us the ability to share ideas and the tools to connect worldwide, anytime, anywhere but it is fraught with danger for marketers. If you get it right then the world is your oyster but if you get it wrong you could lose everything in an instant! Think loss of brand, reputation, credibility and potential profit.

Celebrities often get it wrong…

A good example is Australian Olympic swimmer Stephanie Rice who made several unsavoury comments on Twitter which caused the loss of several lucrative endorsements including luxury car brand Jaguar. The brand simply did not want to be associated with the negative publicity and withdrew support for Rice. Whilst a public apology was made, the swimmer’s reputation was ruined overnight and everyone forgot how great a swimmer she once was due to her indiscretion.

Creating the right message…

Getting the message right across generational cohorts can be tricky – a Nielsen report titled “THE ME GENERATION MEETS GENERATION ME” highlights the Baby Boomers and the Millennials are in high demand, however messages to these segments must be carefully and specifically crafted. Adopting suitable language for all of your segments, and tailoring messages to reach a wide audience is a highly useful skill and should be nurtured for success. Creative and informative content will appeal to the masses but you only have 3 seconds to grab the reader’s attention!

Personally I think the ability to link multiple social media platforms to draw in consumers from cross border segments has given companies a greater voice and freedom. Being a leader and bucking the trends is going to get you noticed however there is a fine line between fabulous and offensive.

Thinking about this, it makes me wonder – what did we do before social media?!

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